tag: plan9 (4)
- Interacting with Acme 2022-10-31
Interacting with Acme through the terminal is pretty rad. This is basically a poor rehash of acme(4) plus ideas for a Git integration.
- Taking Acme for a spin (update) 2022-10-21
I have been running Acme daily now, and thought I'd note down some highlights on the experience so far.
- Taking Acme for a spin 2022-09-30
I've been inspired to take the Acme for a more serious spin. Here are some of things I learned early on, and couple of tips and tricks.
- cat /dev/screen | topng > screencap.png 2020-08-14
If you've never heard of Plan 9 from Bell Labshttps://9p.io/plan9/ maybe this post isn't for you (or maybe it is). If you have any interest in Unix-like operating systems, then Plan 9 might be worth checking out.